file:///Users/margaretelliott/Downloads/pinterest-13c6f.html M.Elliott: August 2011

22 August 2011

three sheets-

(Three Sheets, acyrlic on canvas, 2011, M.Elliott)

When you’ve lost faith in yourself,
Let me l i f t the weight of sorrow,
Blow wind into your sail.

A big "thank you" to my dear friends
for rescuing me in the middle of the night.
darn spIders! got the best of me, but
got a little wind back in my sail.

18 August 2011


("Graciousness", acrylic on canvas, 2011, M.Elliott)

how precious is GOD's grace
. . .
on a day that seems to rattle every laSt nerve,
experiencing affirmation and grace from the
ONE who is faithful, is restoring!

15 August 2011

clearing and spinning-

(acyrlic on canvas, 24"x48", M.Elliott)

clearing and "spinning plates" that is . . .
its the turning of SEASONS that seems to aGitate a certain state of balance. the steam of hot summer days is slowly giving way to cooler fall winds. this subtle shift becomes a tension between the longing for the l o n g summer days to never end and an eagerness for that first crisP fall morning. its the anticipation of change.
its the clearing of a good Midsummer's feast,
spinning and turning plates, awaiting the haRvEST of fall.

08 August 2011

Dilly Milly

(Dilly Milly, acrylic on canvas, 2011, M.Elliott)

i met sweet and curious miss "dilly milly"
on a farm in nashville, tn. i was reminded of her as i spent 8hrs in the car this weekend driving to and from oxford, ms enjoying the scenery of grazing COWS and goats; i have always loved l o n g car rides that follow along side pastures of grazing cattle and farm crops. this was a particularly great drive because not only was there lots of farm land and grazing cattle, but a number of pickup trucks full of fresh SUMMER produce for sale, including.....watermelon...and nothing is better than farm fresh watermelon on a hot summer day!